What is YOUR idea of fun?


Amusant, diversion, zabawa, menyeronokkan- these are just some of the versions of the word “fun“. As this word has various equivalents in other languages, the idea of fun also differs from person to person depending one’s own interpretation.

In younger years, we take fun as a product of an activity such as playing along with our Lenovo computer or watching our favorite cartoon series. Under normal circumstances, a person at an early age possesses this kind of idea of fun in mind. In this particular level, we could therefore say that fun is tantamount to entertainment or recreation.

“Going to school is fun”.This statement is something that does not normally come out from the mouths of the younger ones. It is an evidence that as we grow older, we may have new sets of perceptions regarding fun as we tend to acquire deeper or further understanding about this seemingly simple yet complex term. We explore a certain stage where we learn to appreciate acquisition of knowledge. As a result of such appreciation, we claim that we experience fun.

In certain cases, fun is experienced by a being when encountering situations where another person is faced with slightly or extremely embarrassing moments which normally takes place when one isn’t careful enough with what he does or says. While it is true that this scenario may result to an outburst of ecstatic emotions from others, it may not be enjoyable for some. Sometimes, a joke that is being cracked will also result to a feeling of fun. By this, we may assume that the feeling of fun is a direct product of an intentional or unintentional turn of events that create surprises.

As part of our lives, we have certain activities which we love to do and we call them our hobbies. One may love to shop, to play any sports or to go to movies. These activities bring about a positive feeling to the ones who are fond of doing such. Sometimes, an individual may do all sort of things just to do what he repeatedly does because it is by fulfilling those acts that he gets contentment. It is for this reason that many people say, “shopping is fun” or “playing volleyball is fun”. This is just a clear indication that the idea of fun is sometimes brought about by the satisfaction of one’s hobbies.

Sometimes, fun is dependent upon one’s mood. Even if the person is doing his routine, given something or faced with relatively funny situations, that person may not feel the spirit of fun if not in a pleasant mood. However, in times where one’s mood is positive, it would be easy to welcome fun.

One may equate fun with enjoyment, frolic, amusement, pleasure and many other terms according to perception. Do you have the same idea of fun?

Photo: Computer - Tim Morgan

Edited: July 15th, 2011

My best friend’s idea of fun

Each word’s letter composition might be short but it takes a lot of meaning which is sometimes hard to define. Live. For God gave you this opportunity to explore the world. Love. It is essential for you to connect with your friends, stick with your relatives and create a family of your own. And never forget to laugh. This will revitalize your whole system. These three words are vital to every individual who is striving for a better purpose of living. But why in all emotions, the idea of fun seems to be one essential ingredient in achieving a rewarding disposition?

Naturally, we are born with the idea of fun. In our daily lives, we are not actually aware of little things that make us happy. It is because we are more focused on the huge achievement that we want to accomplish which is important to us. But what if that main goal is still too far from your reach, won’t you even notice the pleasurable moments that come your way everyday? You’ll definitely miss a chunk of you life if you do. Let me share to you my best friend’s idea of having fun.

My best friend believed that a person who takes time to be happy at the midst of difficulties has a positive outlook in life. This person knows how to handle negative and positive things all in his hands. He is therefore, matured enough to successfully feel that his alright even though his not.

Studies show that a young child smiles for about 400 times a day but when a person grows older, the number declines to 15 times per day. Does it indicate that the more we grow older the less we can experience fun? It’s a terrible reality. We tend not to enjoy just because of maybe our personal disappointments in life or it might be suppressed by wrong perception. If this is the case, we definitely miss tidbits of happiness that comes along our journey. Kudos for the mature person who can still appreciate funny things despite of the fact that something is breaking inside him.

My best friend also pointed out that a person who considers the idea of fun has a favorable attitude. This is due to the way of thinking of a person. Success depends greatly on one’s attitude. So when you know how to handle problems out, you’ll be successful.

Remember that when you consider the idea of fun it does not necessarily mean you have just to wait for the time when you can be happy. You can also be creative on putting yourself on the lighter side. Do the craziest things that you never tried before and you will discover that it is worth no price.

Photo: BARBIE GEEK by weelakeo

Edited: April 12th, 2011